
INCLUDES Welcomes Four New Alliances


The U.S. National Science Foundation has announced four new NSF INCLUDES Alliances, investing more than $39 million in the new cohort over five years. The 2022 cohort will join the 13 other established Alliances in advancing science and engineering by promoting and supporting accessibility, collaboration, equity, and inclusion in STEM education, careers, and research.

"NSF INCLUDES develops networks that are the key to building and sustaining the kind of systemic change that is needed to move the needle on inclusivity in STEM in a substantial way," said Sylvia M. Butterfield, acting assistant director of NSF's Directorate for Education and Human Resources. "The latest NSF INCLUDES Alliances will create opportunities for a new generation of STEM talent and leadership."

The new Alliances include:

  • NSF INCLUDES National Data Science Alliance, Clark Atlanta University.
    • Building data science capacity at historically Black colleges and universities to substantially increase the number of Black students with data science credentials and expertise on researching ethics, bias and fairness in the use of data.





11-06-2022 08:40 AM

Congratulations to the new awardees

08-10-2022 05:31 PM

Aloha and greetings to our new colleagues and friends from the Hawaii-Pacific ALL-SPICE Alliance. We are in awe of the group we have joined and delighted to begin working with you all and learning from you.  @Alyssa Na'im